Party Rock Anthem

Monday, January 31, 2011

Black History Month

In today's world, black people have the same rights as anyone else. It wasn't always that way though. The whole reason we have black history month is because of the whole slavery ordeal. After the 13th Amendment ended slavery in 1865, African Americans were allowed the same rights as white people. Because of this, black men were now higher on the social totem pole than white women. However today, in a world where everyone is treated equally, barring hobos, integration of cultures is important. Black history month reinforces the idea that everyone is different.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

iSee Dead People

The best app around seems to be Angry Birds. $0.99 is the perfect price for this little time waster. The goal is simple, fling birds into different structures to try and make them fall over. Simple, easy, great in short burst. Although, one of the stranger apps is Annoy-a-teen. This app makes an iPod emit a high frequency sound that only younger people can hear. Apparently, shopkeepers are using this now to keep away gangster-wannabes from their stores now. Now if I could make an app, it would incorperate the new video features. Say you walk around your house with your iPod, watching the video feed. What if a virtual ghost popped up? A game that has you actively hunting around your surroundings sounds pretty fun, right? Maybe throw in some creepy sounds and some backstory on about 50 or so ghost, and you've got yourself a ghost hunting replica! A great app if your feeling adventurous, or if you're just bored with your surroundings.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

iPads and iPods. Worthy of school?

Of course they are! iPods are no longer just mp3 players, but multimedia devices. While a touchscreen keyboard is no substitute for a real keyboard, a little extra hardware, and the right app can make an iP(o/a)d one of the greatest learning tools. The iPad has an online bookstore, which could possibly incorporate school textbooks in the future. Also, with the popularity of the internet, and the introduction of a Netflix-like online library, you would have an easy to use book-viewing tool perfect for reading classes. Also, seeing as most of the iPod games aren't worth playing, students wouldn't have that much of a problem with distractions. Final answer, iPods are great for school, they just have to be implemented correctly.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Crack, Cocaine, and Mary-Jane, Oh My!

The President of Mexico, Felipe Caulderon, has declared war on the drug cartels in Mexico. Drug war problems in Mexico have been a serious problem,The Juarez, Tijuana, and Beltrán Leyva Cartels are some of the most recognizable cartels.  One of the most recognizable, La Familia, has stated through letters and assorted media that they would postpone all activity through January to prove that they are not responsible for problems in Mexico. The Mexican drug cartels are smuggling guns out of the U.S., but at the same time smuggling drugs into the United States. These actions cause about 30,000 deaths every year in Mexico. In my honest opinion, how anyone could live there is beyond me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Presidency is Not Important

Even if President Obama only makes $400,000 a year as opposed to Sidney Crosby with $9,000,000, Mr. President gets a lot of perks not available to the general public. Like the President could probably go run around the mall wearing only underwear and not get in trouble. While it would make people question the reliability of who they voted for, he would still have those other 2 years of leading us. Whereas if an athlete did that, not only would he go to jail, it would probably wouldn't look as bad seeing as athletes get into legal trouble all the time.