Party Rock Anthem

Friday, October 29, 2010

Time Travel?

My theory is that it's impossible. It's already been proven by scientist that time travel is near impossible. The only way would be for one "time machine" built in one time and the other being built either in the past or future. However, the multiverse theory states that there is an infinite amount of universes with every possible outcome. So rather than time travel, that woman could have come from a different universe with advanced technology, but the same time-line. Possibly, if technology is that advanced, cell phone signals are apparently trans-dimensional.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The hummingbird would be a pretty cool animal to be! Being able to fly around at high speeds would definitely outweigh the disadvantages. Its not like the hummingbird has any predators, or very big ones at least. The only fly in the ointment I can think of would be the incredibly short lifespan. Although I bet nectar taste really good...

Monday, October 18, 2010


I would definitely name this penguin Slippy for his keen ability to escape the scene of the crime. Batman has his hands full with this "penguin!"

Also  Mrs Waters, was this the blog post or just extra credit? Either way, its still late.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mining Melancholy

We've been trapped in this mine for a good month or so. I've lost track of time since we've been down here but they've started sending food and water down a tube that will keep us alive...for now. They also  told us we would be able to get a few items sent down of our choosing. While it was painfully obvious that we would be down here for awhile, I decided I would ask for some of my most prized possesions. My Xbox, a jug of chocolate milk, a radio wired from the surface, and the complete 8th season of Family Guy. The Xbox, radio, and DVD compilation are self-explanatory, we're going to be trapped in the mine for a large amount of time, might as well enjoy it. The chocolate milk is needed just because the sweet taste "soothes the pain."

Friday, October 1, 2010

“Attention passengers, please fasten your seat belt for we need to make an emergency landing.” The sound of the lady over the loudspeaker boomed as the air-mask fell from the ceiling. I was on my way to Ontario, Canada to take pictures for the 2011 Canadian Supermodel Bikini Calendar, when the plane started having engine failure. “Well this sucks!” Said a rather large, corpulent woman. traveling from Tokyo, Japan, having just taking pictures for the 2011 Japanese Supermodel Bikini Calendar we had to make an emergency landing in the ocean. We were losing altitude quickly. I tightened my seatbelt, feeling gravity take it’s toll. I was incredibly nervous, despite the butterflies in my stomach. We hit the ground hard. I could barely hold my head up. We were just floating there in the water for about 2 hours until rescue helicopters came. Feeling relieved that we had made it out safely, I figured I would have to call the girls and tell them I might be late. I pulled out my cellphone, dialed their managers number, and realized she was on speakerphone with the whole group.

“Oh ladies...”